Balencaiga Art in Stores project
In the series Spring coolers, Schweikle utilities a water dispenser as a prime example of how products can lose their visual appeal when form becomes inferior to function and producibility. While maintaining the tech- niques and material of the cooler, he modifies the design giving another narrative to this office archetype, one that belongs to the Neo-classical drinking fountains of historic city squares. In the same way in which the fountain not only provided water, but also a (public) gathering point, so does the water dispenser incite conversation and gossip that transcendsoffice hierarchy as colleagues refresh.
By reintroducing the decorative elements of the outdoor fountain to the office hot spot, Spring coolers reinstates the virtues of water and the social importance of this valuable resource.
Balenciaga Art In Stores is on ongoing project. Artists Anna- Sophie Berger, Cayetano Ferrer, Nicole Wermers, Harry Nuriev, and Tobias Spichtig have each created original installations for Balenciaga that range from temporary to permanent for the brand’s many outposts and events.

S-700 cooler in Balenciaga store Milano, Italy
Spring cooler S-700, 2021
148 x 46 x 46 cm
Stainless steel, PU- resin, thermoplastics, PLA, silver, hardware
1+ 1 AP

Spring cooler G-300, 2021
144 x 50 x 50 cm
Thermoplastics, PLA, PU-resin, hardware, silver
1+ 1AP

G-300 fountain in Balenciaga store New York City, USA

A-100 fountain in Balenciaga store Shanghai, China
Spring cooler A-100, 2021
133 x 49 x 49 cm
Thermoplastics, PLA, PU-resin, hardware, silver
1+ 1 AP
133 x 49 x 49 cm
Thermoplastics, PLA, PU-resin, hardware, silver
1+ 1 AP